Banksias Under Snow
1 May - 31 May
Featured Artists
Leah Barclay
Ryan Burge
Jameson Feakes
Cat Hope
Terri Hron
Alice Humphries
Kirsten Hudson
Samuel Gillies
Josten Myburgh
Elisabeth Schimana
Rebecca Erin Smith
Vanessa Tomlinson
Sze Tsang
Lindsay Vickery
Jocelyn Wolfe
Aaron Wyatt
Lindsay Vicker
Rebecca Erin
"The dual heritage of Acoustic Ecology and experimental music—in foregrounding our aural perception of the Earth—seems more urgent than ever.”
David Dunn (2008)
An exhibition exploring the sounds and shapes of nature through a series of recent works by Western Australian and international composers. Nine composers have created works interacting with field recordings, organic, visual and tactile forms of the environment though video, graphical and sculptural scores for the Western Australian music ensemble GreyWing.
The works examine methods of interaction between “real” geological and biological structures found in the natural world and their “artificial” depiction and performance in the gallery. They search for ways in which “foregrounding our aural perception of the Earth” can positively contribute as a small shelter against the dissonance between human society and the natural world. The exhibition with be supported by a workshop “Notation the environment” exploring interaction between live performers and field recordings and a performance of the exhibited scores by GreyWIng Ensmeble.
Featuring work by: Terri Hron (CA), Jameson Feakes, (electric guitar) and Josten Myburgh (electronics), etc.
GreyWing Ensemble is: Kirsten Smith (flute), Lindsay Vickery, (clarinet), Catherine Ashley, (harp), and Jameson Feakes, (electric guitar